Ponderings On "Why Work?" - Number 6

But is is appropriate here to point out that man was created not
for leisure but for work, even in the state of innocence.
- Martin Luther, Lecture on Genesis 2:15

Sayers 4th Consequence of her 1st Proposition is that we should fight tooth and nail, not for mere employment, but for the quality of the work that we had to do. We should clamor to be engaged on work that was worth doing, and in which we could take a pride......The greatest insult which a commercial age has offered to the worker has been to rob him of all interest in the end-product of the work and to force him to dedicate his life to making badly things which were not worth making.

Genesis 2:15 states, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." With that in mind, think about this statement from page 23 of the "Joy at Work Bible Study Companion"

As renewed people, we have been given
motivation and power to re-create the Garden.

This is the last of the consequences of Sayers 1st proposition that work is the thing one lives to do...the thing in which one finds spiritual, mental, and bodily satisfaction, and the medium in which he offers himself to God.

I told my friend Dave Moore this week about how much I remember Max Anders giving a sermon on evaluation and correction (some 20+ years ago). Max said that he literally sees himself turning his head and looking over his shoulder to look at how well he's lived the Gospel. I don't remember the verses he's used, but this is the essence of a good evaluation and correction system....looking back on the path you've traveled these past minutes, hours........years.

I haven't fought hard enough, definitely not tooth and nail. Hopefully, through an agenda of robust evaluation and correction, that is changing.

To that end..........

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