Unlikely Success word - Weakness

After asking for the thorn to be removed, God said to Paul "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in your weakness."

These ponderings on success have been good. I'm not sure I had any expectations and not entirely surprise about connecting this word "weakness" to success.

Andy Stanley makes the following points about weakness I tie to my thoughts on success -

"- God is going to showcase himself in my weakness if I'm willing to take NO for an answer

- His strength will overcomes my weakness

- Some things may not be healed, or worked out, or get better, or come back together...but God will showcase His power if we allow Him

- I can't experience God's sustaining grace while resisting His will"

Lord, give me the strength to be weak, to wait on your Grace. I pray for the strength of experiencing the success that comes from the grace of Your will in my weakness.

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