iBookPoints, Life@Work - 2: Misunderstood Territory

What sermons have we heard lately about the
inherent value and beauty of work? What books
 have you read lately that celebrate the "God-ness"
of a good day's work for a good day's pay?
 Life@Work - page 14

Note: direct quotes from book in italics.

History is filled with strong beliefs overturned because of misconception. What secular vs the sacred misconceptions do you have about "work?" Maxwell, Addington and Graves, lay-out in Life@Work  five myths some tend to live by (I'm reminded of Chris Thurman's book "The Lies We Believe).

Myth 1 - Work is a Four-Letter Word: we think work is a necessary evil, putting our time in to receive the prize (money and what it will purchase). Spiritually, we figure it's part of the Fall's curse.

Not so. Work was part of creation. Adam and Eve were working in the garden long before the Fall. They were given authority and dominion.

People who take this myth to heart think of work as something they must "endure" because Adam and Eve bought into Satan's great lie.

Myth 2 - Work is Enemy Territory: Here, the belief is that work is "worldly." It's part of the secular world and opposite of what Christians are about (sacred).

The authors point out "This approach is totally counter to Scripture. This dichotomy - this split between the sacred and the secular - does not occur in God's Word. In fact, Scripture spends a good deal of ink and paper making the point that these two should be tied together - that work is part of God's everyday involvement with people."

Myth 3 - Work is Salvation: This is where work becomes God. It's about Work, Success and Ambition. All with upper-case letters. Identity becomes wrapped up totally in the job, the career.

"The truth is that work is a great environment in which to discover God and glorify God, but it is not God." - page 17

Myth 4 - Work is the Last Priority: Work isn't the last in a list of priorities after God, family and self. God is the priority and there is no number 2, 3 and 4. Putting it in a list, it's not surprising so many of us struggle with the why-we-work syndrome, looking for passion in our work. God should be  the priority, in everything we do.

"The truth is that work is part of a balanced approach to life and God - His Spirit, His truth, His love. When we go to work, God should not be left behind in the family Bible on the nightstand next to the comfy chair where we have our daily quiet time."

Myth 5 - Work that is Anointed Always Spells Success: "a God-filled work life does not always equate with career success. Unfortunately, many kingdom messengers offer that as a bait.....What Charlie is seeking is not a Christian key to unlocking worldly success, but God's key to unlocking His intended design for our work, whatever its circumstances or outcomes might be."

To that end....

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