God's concern

Two great thoughts shared with me the past few days -

"I contend George Washington's greatest leadership moment was the time he spent on his knees praying." - shared by John P Griffin in his speech at CBLG last week. 

"The key to Jesus' leadership was the relationship he had with his Father." - Blackaby, in his book "Spiritual Leadership"

Two fantastic thoughts, and then I come to this....

"God's concern is not to advance leaders' dreams and goals or to build their kingdoms." page 30, Spiritual Leadership


DannyLSmith said...

On first reading this, I was troubled. My dreams and goals don't matter?

But, where do the best dreams come from? God.

The best ideas? God.

DannyLSmith said...

His WILL, not mine. That boundary changes things.

It gives a certain amount of freedom.