Called to Create, by Jordan Raynor - Introduction

What to Expect from This Book — Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and Risk by Jordan Raynor
(from the introduction) This book is the result of nearly two years of research and dozens of conversations with other Christian entrepreneurs as I sought to answer some of my (and hopefully your) questions about what it means to be called to create, such as:
  • How does God’s creative and entrepreneurial character empower me to emulate Him?
  • Is my work as an entrepreneur and creative really as God-honoring as that of a pastor or “full-time missionary”?
  • What are the right questions to ask when discerning where God has called me to work?

  • What does it look like to create not in order to make a name for myself but to glorify the One who has called me to create and love others?
  • How does recognizing my work as a calling from God change my motivations for creating, what I create, and how I create it?
  • What are the challenges unique to or especially acute for those who are called to create, and what’s the proper way to deal with them?
  • What is the purpose of profit? How can I use my work as an entrepreneur to fulfill Jesus’s command to create disciples?
  • While my work may matter today, will my creations live on into eternity?”