Ponderings on "Why Work?" Number 9

See, the Lord has called by name Bezalel..
and He has filled him with the Spirit of God
...to work in artistic workmanship.
Exodus 35: 30-33

In her 2nd Proposition (page 23 of Miller's publication) Sayers uses an illustration of what she means by "the only Christian work is good work well done."

She tells of a "dear old pious lady" who was struck by the beauty of the four great archangels who stood throughout Sayers play "The Zeal of Thy House." The lady asked Sayers "whether she selected the actors who played the angels for their excellence of moral character."

Sayers replied first that they were selected by the producer because he had the technical qulaifcations for selecting suitable actors. The actors were selected because of their abilities to do the job required of them; they needed the physique, to be well spoken and reasonably good actors.

Sayers went on to say..."after that, and only after that, one might take character into consideration, but that-provided his behavior was not so scandalous as to cause dissension amount the company-the right kind actor with no morals would give a far more reverent and seemly performance than a saintly actor with the wrong technical qualifications."

I've worked with people, employed people, because they were Christians. Is that wrong? Yes and no. If they could do the job, that was right. If they couldn't do the job, everyone connected were hurt if they were kept employed just because they were a believer in Christ. I'm being specific here...I'm not referring to someone that was being trained for a job, but someone that specifically had a job to do and incapable of performing the tasks to achieve the necessary results. As to the trainee, he/she needs to be capable of being trained and the training not an excuse for being hired and/or kept employeed.

When there's bad results, it's a bad witness for everyone concerned; employer, co-workers, clients and the employee himself.

To that end........

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