Ponderings on "Why Work?" Number 10

Stewardship means continuously asking, "How would God want me to
treat this thing that He has placed within my control?"
- fm Joy at Work Bible Study Companion

Continuing with Sayer's 2nd Proposition "the only Christian work is good work well done" the author offers the following...
  • God is not served by technical incompetence
  • Incompetence and untruth always result when the secular vocation is treated as a thing alien to religion
  • when you find a man who is a Christian praising God by the excellence of his work - do not distract him and take him away from his proper vocation to address religious meetings and open church bazaars.
  • Serve God in the way to which God has called him. If you take him away from that, he will exhaust himself in an alien technique and lose his capacity to do his dedicated work.
  • This worker is not there to serve the church; he is there to serve God by serving his work
As a reminder, Sayer's offers her doctrinal position....

"work is the natural exercise and function of man - the
creature is made in the image of his Creator"....
and then she offers Propositions and Consequences of the Propositions.
This "the only Christian work is good work well done" really sums it all up, doesn't it? The Bible is specific that we're made in his image. Right? So, even though we're sinners, shouldn't we strive to do work well?
Where does the pay check become a real factor? Is it ok to do a job poorly while we strive to get better?
Forgiveness...where does it play to incompetence? Where's the division, if there is, between a poor job intended to do well, and pure incompetence?
Sayers ends here 2nd Proposition with...
He, God, is not there to serve me; I am
there to serve God by serving his work.
To that end....


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