
I get behind on many things because of my lack of interest in current events. This is due in part to the pure fact that today's current event is tomorrow's I don't remember what was current yesterday.

Somewhere along the line a big thing called worldview came about and I only started paying attention to this term about 18 months ago. After a few paying attentions I actually went a googled it and read what Wikipedia had to say about the subject.

My worldview goes something like this:

I practice looking at everything through the lens of being a Christian, but with a severe slant towards the work God put me here to do, combined with Jesus' commands.

This means that I learn and apply the work theme that God started during creation and continued after the fall.

Questions I regularly ask and explore are;

  • what does God's word have to say about work?
  • how is it applied do I apply God's word to my work?
  • what work is depicted in the Bible?
  • how did the characters in the Bible apply God's word in their work?
  • what do and other believers had to say about work?

God created everything and it was work. That is evidenced by Him wanting to rest. He gave Adam and Eve authority over that creation by putting them in the garden to work and then casting them out to continue to work.

He has never told us to stop working and save for the some judges during Moses' time, we have never been told to retire.

This worldview is not easy, but then it is not supposed to be, except through Christ's redemption; through that love He has for us. Through him dying on the cross and Him exclaiming it is finished we can have the rest and joy in our work that Adam and Eve had before their sin.

To That End....

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