F I D O (forget it, drive on)

Well done, good and faithful servant

Dreaming for me this week. Or I thought about them differently. My "big" dream is to hear those words "well done good and faithful servant." Those words could come in the next second or years from now, but it wasn't until this week that it came to mind the process of another event. The "event" was a conversation and I wanted to react with a "are-you-kidding-me," or even harsher response. Instead, I thought about that dream of hearing those words, asked a few questions and the end was much more amiable.

Another event occured that was more "goal" oriented and if it wasn't for another Big Dream I have, I would have likely felt a bit defeated, let-down and thinking about how to re-group. If I were goal oriented I would have gone through the process of resetting the goal, its date and a host of other factors that seem to surround "good-goal-setting."

Instead, the dream is in place and looking back I realize my "FIDO" (forget-it-drive-on) style worked well. The missed "goal" was barely a bump.

...........Writing this and I'm thinking back through other conversations and events this week and I'm coming to realize how much success I had due to my dreams.


To that end.....dream well

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